Octopus X
Newsroom Computer System
Octopus X is more than just an NRCS.
Octopus X is the heart of every newsroom. Besides the regular news production capabilities, it offers advanced collaborative planning, social media workflows, AI functionalities and state-of-the-art integration with studio automation systems.
We proudly present the tool that will make a difference.
Key features
Quick newsgathering
You can centralize all your feeds in your newsroom to help you keep track of many different sources in a single news aggregator to constantly monitor for fresh content, without having to check it manually.
Support for RSS, email and news agencies
Monitor social media in real time
Enhanced search capabilities
Integrate with other newsroom technologies
Octopus X integrates with 60+ partner technologies including teleprompters, MAM (Media Asset Management) and playout systems, graphic systems, automation technology, and more. A smooth cooperation with 3rd party systems ensures unique workflows and a quick and cost-effective transition to our newsroom system.
Plugin-less workflows with MAM and graphic systems
AI-driven workflows
Advanced planning & collaboration
You may be working on the script while a co-worker is updating visuals for a story, and another colleague is organizing all production cues. Feel free to attach images and clips, write comments for your colleagues, and set deadlines for the stories.
Story centric workflow
Collaborative script
Multisite workflow
Octopus Journalist App
Our Octopus Journalist app gives you constant access to your planning, assignments, stories and rundowns. You can contribute images and videos directly from your phone.
Access your planning and assignments
Create stories on the go
Built-in prompter mode
Publish content on linear and digital platforms
Catching up with new TV trends means adapting your newsroom to new message delivery platforms such as social media and CMS systems. Yet let’s not forget the classics, linear publishing is a building block of our newsroom system.
Multiplatform delivery of content
Increase your presence in social media
Deliver content in WordPress, Joomla, CoreMedia, Frankly
Our customers
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