Web TV

Octopus prepares Web TV providers to engage audiences in a digital world.


The newsroom system for digital-first production

Approximately 4.93 billion people have access to and use the internet frequently. These numbers certainly have impacted the way information is delivered. Octopus prepares Web TV providers to engage audiences in a digital world.

Remote production

The Octopus Journalist App makes the system available to users that are outside the newsroom. Whether you are on the field or working from home, you can access wires, rundowns, and planning items from your mobile devices.

Create stories on the go

Use the built-in prompter mode

Octopus Web TV and social media publishing

Fine digital publishing

Octopus 12 integrates with social media and CMS systems to power digital publishing and leverage social networks usage. Social media is given a dual use, as a news source and as a platform for sharing your best stories.

Facebook, YouTube, X

WordPress, Joomla, CoreMedia, Frankly

Easy to scale

Its well-designed architecture and integration capabilities allow the system to work very well even with some of the simplest and most cost-effective production tools and graphics systems that some smaller Web TVs may choose. While also adapting to full-scale Web TV providers using complex production systems.

Grow at your own pace

Integrate with cuting-edge technology for graphics, MAM and playout systems, automation, and more

Octopus NRCS for Web TV is easy to scale.


Octopus 12 is made up of many modules, from which you can select only those that meet your needs. Don’t pay for the rest. Even the core modules provide you with the most effective tools for show production.

Save on initial investement

Get only what you need

Explore more Octopus solutions for your needs


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